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About Rotary
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Rotary International, Rotary Great Britain and Ireland, and your local Rotary Clubs are dedicated to making a positive impact in our communities and around the globe. Through various projects and initiatives, we strive to create a better world for all and put Service before self. You may be surprised. The short video will give you a very quick outline of our work.
If you are inspired then please donate. Better still, contact your local Rotary Club and see what you can do to put these words into action and make such a positive difference to others.
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Rotarians are dedicated to serving their local communities and supporting those in need.
Sometimes when working locally they will simply help others less fortunate than themselves, helping local charities, and making things happen by lending their support or knowledge and skills to help start projects or make sure they get completed.
On other occasions they may work together with other local Rotary Clubs to pool their resources. On a bigger scale this can be a Regional effort, just like this project, where Rotary Clubs come together to help out on something which will benefit people on a much wider area than just a few Clubs can cover.
When it comes to international projects the magic of Rotary really starts to shine.
Through partnerships with major disaster organisations such as UNICEF, ShelterBox, Water Aid, Sightsavers, and many more come together to help those in dire need.
Rotarians work tirelessly to make a positive impact wherever they can. Whether they are collecting funds, raising awareness or actually working alongside other organisations where help is needed the most, Service is always their top priority.
To see whatRotarians have been doing for local communities and Regionally & Internationally click on the links. look at some of the examples listed below and click on the links to get an even better in depth knowledge of what Rotary can do and why you can trust us to deliver.
Some of our International and local Projects
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